Franchise Escape Room

Why franchise with The X-Door?

Turnkey projects

From game design to installation.

100% original games

Designed by Guillermo Guerrero, author of several successful escape rooms recognized in the sector.

Robust and reliable effects and electronics

Our games do not fail, and their control is very simple.

In-house production and installation

From start to finish we control the entire process to meet deadlines.

Advice on the choice of premises and compliance with regulations.

Our experience and know-how will help you avoid unforeseen costs.

Training of your game masters

For a perfect experience.

Are you ready?

Cities with The X Door franchises

Literato Gabriel Miró 25, bajo 4600

Gran Vía 16, piso 3º

Carrer Holanda 68, L´Hospitalet de Llobregat
Duque de Zaragoza 2, entreplanta izq. 03002

Calle Nueva 13, piso 2º

Escape rooms Servicies

Do you already have your own escape room and need any service?
Contact with us
Our workshop
discover what is behind our productions


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